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Christ's Will: The Brahmarandhra Center

The Brahmarandhra Center

1. Now, the sacred fire has arrived at the Brahmarandhra center.

2. This center is situated in the anterior fontanel of the newly born.

3. Your fire exits towards the outer world through this door.

Christ's Will: The Frontal Chakra

The Frontal Chakra

1. Now, the sacred fire has reached between the eyebrows, where the frontal chakra shines.

2. Now, the coronary chakra has been totally connected to the frontal chakra.

3. An interchange of currents between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland flamingly shines.

Christ's Will: The Magnetic Field by the Root of the Nose

The Magnetic Field by the Root of the Nose

1. Now, the sacred fire has reached the magnetic field by the root of the nose.

2. This magnetic field is intimately related to solar and lunar atoms.

3. The pure Akasha that circulates within the Brahmanic cord passes through this magnetic field by the root of the nose.

Christ's Will: Second Chamber

Second Chamber

1. The sacred fire has reached the second holy chamber that goes from between the eyebrows to the heart.

2. The temple where you are going to receive your fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries is still closed, waiting for the solemn moment of the heart.

3. This is a gigantic temple.

Christ's Will: Third Chamber

Third Chamber

1. Now, the sacred fire has reached the third chamber of the igneous path that goes from between the eyebrows to the heart.

2. A door is opened.

3. Enter, sibling of mine, into the holy chamber.

4. In this hall there is festivity of gods.