Revolutionary Psychology
Teachers of schools, colleges, and universities must profoundly study the revolutionary psychology taught by all the International Gnostic Movements; this psychology is a constant revolution and is radically different from anything previously known by this name.
Undoubtedly, we can state, without fear of being mistaken, that in the course of the centuries that have preceded us since the profound night of all times, psychology has never fallen as low as is presently in this age of the “rebels without a cause,” “the little henchmen of rock’n’roll.”
Moreover, and to the breaking point of disgrace, the retarded and reactionary psychology of these modern times has lost its sense of being, and every direct contact with its true origin. Yes, in these times of sexual degeneration and total deterioration of the mind, not only is it impossible to accurately define the term “psychology,” but shockingly, the fundamental subjects of psychology are truly unknown.
Those who mistakenly suppose that psychology is the most recent contemporary science are really misguided, because psychology is a very ancient science that has its origins in the old schools of archaic mysteries.
It is impossible for the snob, the ultramodern swindler, the backward individual, to define the origin of that which is known as psychology, since it is obvious that psychology never existed under such a name—with the exception of this contemporary epoch. Why? Because for this or that reason, psychology was always suspected of subversive tendencies in religious or political matters, thus it was forced to be concealed by multiple disguises.
Thus, since ancient times, on the different scenarios of the theaters of life, psychology has always played its role by being intelligently disguised with the costumes of philosophy.
Since the terrifying night of all times, on the banks of the Ganges in the sacred India of the Vedas, there have existed many forms of yoga, which in their depth are pure, higher experimental psychology. The seven types of yoga have always been described as methods, procedures, or philosophical systems.
In the Arab world, the sacred, partly metaphysical, and partly religious teachings of the Sufis have indeed a purely psychological character.
In old Europe (which is rotten to its very bone morrow because of so many wars, racial, religious, and political prejudices, etc.,) right up to the end of the nineteen century, psychology was disguised with the costumes of philosophy in order to pass unnoticed.
So, notwithstanding all the divisions and subdivisions of philosophy—such as logic, the theory of knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, etc.—nonetheless, psychology is undoubtedly in itself: evident self-reflection, mystical cognition of the Being, a fundamental cognition of an awakened consciousness. The error of many philosophical schools consists in having considered psychology as something inferior to philosophy, as something related only to the lowest and even trivial aspects of the human nature.
A comparative study of religions allows us to formulate the following logical conclusion: the science of psychology has always been intimately associated with all religious principles. Yes, any comparative study of religions demonstrates that wonderful treasures of psychological science exist within the most orthodox sacred literature of various countries and from different epochs.
So, in-depth investigations in the field of Gnosticism allows us to find that wonderful compilation of several Gnostic authors known as The Philokalia, which comes from the earliest times of Christianity. The Philokalia is still used in our time by the Eastern Church, especially for the instruction of monks.
Undoubtedly, and without any fear of deceit, we can emphatically affirm that The Philokalia is essentially pure experimental psychology.
Psychology was always connected to philosophy, to the authentic objective art, to science, and to religion in the ancient schools of mysteries from Greece, Egypt, Rome, India, Persia, Mexico, Peru, Assyria, Chaldea, etc. Yes, in those ancient times, psychology was cleverly hidden behind the graceful forms of sacred dancers or behind the enigma of cryptic hieroglyphs or beautiful sculptures, or in poetry or tragedy, and even within the delectable music of the temples.
Indeed, before science, philosophy, art, and religion split asunder in order to subsist as independent parts, psychology reigned in all the very ancient schools of mysteries.
When the Initiatic Colleges ceased to operate due to the Kali Yuga or the Dark Age in which we still live, psychology survived within the symbolism of several esoteric and pseudo-esoteric schools of this modern world, and especially within Gnostic esotericism.
Profound analysis and in-depth investigation allows us to comprehend with complete meridian clarity that the different systems and psychological doctrines that existed in the past and that presently exist can be divided into two categories.
First: The doctrines that are conceived such as many intellectuals suppose them to be. Modern psychology belongs, in fact, to this category.
Second: The doctrines that study the human being from the point of view of the revolution of the consciousness. This second category truly contains the original and most ancient doctrines; only these doctrines allow us to comprehend the living origins of psychology and their profound significance.
When all of us have comprehended in an integral manner and in all of the levels of our mind how important the study of the human being is from this new point of view, that is, from the revolution of the consciousness, then we will understand that psychology is the study of the principles, laws, and facts that are intimately related to the definitive and radical transformation of the individual.
It is essential for the teachers of schools, colleges, and universities to comprehend in an integral manner the critical hour in which we live, and the catastrophic state of psychological disorientation in which the new generation is lingering.
It is necessary to engage the new generations with the path of the revolution of the consciousness; this is only possible by means of the revolutionary psychology of a fundamental education.