Oh, wretched intellectual humanoids! Wake up from your dreadful dream of Ajnana (ignorance)!
Open your eyes and attain the complete and absolute knowledge of Atman (the Being)!
Crown yourselves with the blessed laurel of poetry. It is important that from the golden amphora of wisdom we pour the sweet wine…
In the name of Iod-Heve, the Father who is in secret, and the Divine Mother Kundalini, you and I, beloved reader, must talk…
Ah! If you could comprehend what it is to be awakened…
Listen to me, I tell you, about the Dhammapada, the sacred work of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama…
“For the awakened one, forbearing patience is the highest austerity. Nirvana is supreme,” says the Buddha.
He, verily, is not an anchorite who harms another. Nor is he an ascetic who oppresses others.
The awakened ones who are intent on meditation, who delight in the peace of renunciation, such mindful perfect Buddhas even the gods hold (most) dear.
To cease from all evil, to cultivate good, to purify one’s mind: This is the advice of all those who are awakened.
Whoever honors those worthy of honor, those who have awakened, or honors their disciples who have overcome the malignant guest (the animal ego) and who have traversed through the floods of suffering; he who honors those worthy of honor, those who have reached liberation and who do not know fear, he has overcome suffering, he has gained great merit.
Ah, happily do we live without hate amongst the hateful; amidst hateful men we dwell unhating.
Ah, happily do we live if we restrain ourselves of afflicting those who afflict us, if amongst those who afflict us we dwell in good health (free from the disease of revenge).
Ah, happily do we live without yearning (for sensual pleasures) amongst those who yearn (for them); amidst those who yearn (for them) we dwell without yearning.
Ah, happily do we live, we who have no impediments. Feeders of joy shall we be even as the gods of the Radiant Realm who nourish themselves with happiness.
Four misfortunes befall the reckless person who consorts with another’s spouse: acquisition of demerit, disturbed bed (filthy as well), punishment and states of woe (hell).
Those sages who are harmless, and are ever restrained in body, go to the deathless state (Nirvana), whither gone they never grieve.
Those who are ever vigilant, who discipline themselves day and night, who are wholly intent on Nirvana, will succeed by destroying their own passions.
This matter about destroying, discarding or eliminating psychological defects is radical in order to awaken consciousness.
Multiple aggregates of a subjective type (let us call them ‘I’s) particularize and give their characteristic feature to our passions.
Comprehension and elimination are indispensable in order to discard all of that variety of subjective elements which constitute the ego, the myself, the itself.
Comprehension is not everything. Somebody can comprehend in an integral way what the three classical forms of anger are: corporeal anger, emotional-moody anger, and anger of the tongue. Nonetheless, this person can continue having all of them.
We can even give to ourselves the luxury of controlling the body, the emotional mood, and the mind; yet, it is clear that this does not signify elimination.
When one wants to extirpate passions, then one has to call upon a superior power. I want to refer to the solar, sexual, serpentine power, which is developed in the body of the ascetic.
The mysterious word that defines such a power is Kundalini, the fiery serpent of our magical powers, the Divine Mother.
It is unquestionable that this creative energy particularizes itself in every creature.
As a sequence and corollary, we can and must even emphasize the transcendental idea of a particular Cosmic Mother in every human being.
Kundry, Herodias, Gundryggia, the woman of antonomasia, sleeping in the land of Monsalvat, must awaken from her millenarian dream.