The Sacred Serpent
In the religious doctrines of the Gnostics can best be seen the true meaning of the dragon (Lucifer), the serpent, the goat, and all those symbols now called “evil powers.”
The great Kabir Jesus would have never advised his disciples, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents,” (Matthew 10:16) if it had been a symbol of a demon; nor would the Ophites, the Egyptian Gnostic sages of the fraternity of the serpent, have revered a living snake in their rituals as a symbol of wisdom, the divine Sophia.
The Aztec serpent infallibly appears in unusual situations that completely disarrange its organic design; the tail, replaced by a second head in extraordinary postures that when rising above the mud of the earth serve as basis for the igneous development.
Throughout the cultures of Anahuac the body of the viper is found modified by an unusual action that produces a radical change in its original nature.
Whether it be the double head that clearly recalls the figure in a circle in that Gnostic trance of devouring its own tail — which is an extraordinary synthesis of the marvelous message of Lord Quetzalcoatl — or the vertical position that illustrates the Mayan or Nahuatl idea of the divine viper devouring the human soul and spirit, or finally, the sexual flames consuming the animal Ego, annihilating it, reducing it to ashes.
The serpent or savior Logos inspires the human being so that it can recognize its identity with the Logos and thus to return to its own essence, which is that Logos.
The waters of the abyss engendered a impetuous wind (similar to the serpent with its hiss); this wind raised the waters that came into contact with the Spirit and the light. And the serpent invaded the chaotic matter and engendered the human being, a mixture thus of the three principles.
The only thought of the superior light is to recover its lost particles.
And since the chaotic womb only wants and knows the serpent, the luminous Logos took its shape in order to rescue the light fused in the darkness; for this, the Perfect Man descended into the bosom of a Virgin, and suffered knowing not only the shameful mysteries of the womb, but moreover, thereafter he rose up and drank from the cup of the living water, which must also be drank by the one who wants to be detached from the form of a slave and to wear the celestial garment.
The sacred serpent or savior Logos sleeps curled up in the bottom of the ark, in mystical concealment, waiting for the moment of its awakening.
Those who study esoteric physiology at the Nahuatl or Hindustani manner emphasize the transcendental idea of a wonderful magnetic center located at the base of the spine at an average distance between the anus and the sexual organs.
In the center of the chakra there is a yellow square invisible to the eyes of the flesh but perceptible to clairvoyance or sixth sense; according to the Hindus that square represents the element earth.
It has been told unto us that within the cited square there is a yoni or uterus, and that within the very center of that there is a lingam or erotic phallus within which is coiled up the serpent, the mysterious psychic energy called Kundalini.
Asian Tantric texts describe Kundalini as follows:
"Luminous as lightning, glowing within the hollow cavity of this lotus (or magnetic center) like a string of brilliant lights."
The esoteric structure of this magnetic center, as well as its unusual location between the sexual organs and the anus, give solid and irrefutable bases to the Tantric schools of India and Tibet.
It is unquestionable that only through the Sahaja Maithuna (sexual magic) can the serpent be awakened.
It is evident that when the sacred viper awakens to begin its march along the spinal column of the human body, it emits a mysterious sound very similar to any snake that is beaten with a stick.
Undoubtedly, the serpent of the great mysteries is the feminine aspect of the Logos, God-Mother, the wife of Shiva, Isis, Adonia, Tonantzin, Rhea, Mary, or better said RAM-IO, Cybele, Ops, Der, Flora, Paula, Io, Aka, the Great Mother in Sanskrit, the goddess of the Lha, Lares, or spirits from here below, the anguished mother of Huitzilopochtli, the Ak or Turkish white goddess, Minerva Chalcidica of initiatic mysteries, the Akab Dzib from the lunar temple of Chichen Itza (Yucatan), etc.
We still preserve a missing echo of the ancient mysteries in the crosspiece or transversal beam of the most glorious churches like St. Paul’s in Rome, instead of the primitive form of a boat (the boat or saving ark from the universal flood or Atlantean catastrophe boarded by all those Noah Quetzalcoatls, Xixuthrus’s and Deukalions who arrived at the present continents). And so also, in a Greek house, the interior corridor separating other rooms was named "chalcidicum" as a sacred place at home consecrated to guests, as it can be seen in Vitruvius, in Procopius (De aedificationem) in Becchi (Del Calcidico e della cripta di Eumachia) and in other treaties of architecture in which is kept the history of this crosspiece or effective and symbolic Tau of the duties that hospitality imposes on men.
The insertion of the vertical phallus (lingam) inside the horizontal uterus (yoni) makes a cross, and this is something that anyone can verify.
If we reflect very seriously on that intimate relationship between the S and the Tau Cross or T, we arrive at the logical conclusion that only by crossing the lingam-yoni (phallus-uterus) with radical exclusion of the physiological orgasm can the Kundalini be awakened, the igneous serpent of our magical powers.
The thunderbolts of the tempestuous Zeus, the one who gathers the clouds and who makes Olympus tremble and that spreads terror among this wretched, suffering humanity, form a cross.
The celestial fire and the terrestrial fire, the potential or virtual Fohat that integrates or disintegrates, generates or kills, enlivens or disorganizes, makes a cross.
Son of the Sun which generates it, servant of the one who liberates and keeps it, the divine fallen fire, decadent, imprisoned in matter, determines unusual extraordinary revolutions, and directs its redemption. It is Jesus on his cross, a wonderful image of an igneous radiation incarnated in all of Nature.
It is the agnus immolated from the aurora of the great day, and is also the famous Huehueteotl, the old god of fire, which is represented in ancient Teotihuacan culture as an old man full of years and who carries a huge brazier over his millenarian head.
Unquestionably, the god of sexual fire represents one of the most ancient traditions of the Mayan and Nahuatl peoples. It is the deity of the center in direct relation to the four cardinal points of the Earth, as well as the sacred brazier in order to light the fire in the center of the haven and the Aztec temple, and so it is very common to see in the hierophants of the god of flame the mystical figure of the holy cross, which is also found ornamenting the incense-handlers named Tlemaitl — hands of fire — with which the priests censed the holy gods.
Unquestionably, a god as old as this one, very similar to Agni, the Vedic deity of fire, also has varied advocations. It is called Xiuhtecuhtli, whose deep significance is, “Lord of the Year, Lord of the Herbs, Lord of the Turquoise,” since with a slightly varied pronunciation the word xihuitl unquestionably means three things, which is shown on the various pantheons of Mesoamerica under this title.
Representing a deity like this, in any way becomes surprising that he carries on his head a sort of blue miter intelligently formed by a beautiful turquoise mosaic, a very special feature of the powerful kings of the great Mexican civilization.
His Nahuatl or esoteric disguise is the Xiucoatl, that is, the serpent of fire (Kundalini), that is characterized because it carries exactly on the nose a precious horn decorated with seven ineffable stars.
In the Nahua and Mayan conception, the sacred swastika of the great mysteries was always defined by a cross in motion; is the Nahui Ollin Nahuatl, a sacred symbol of cosmic movement.
The two possible orientations of the swastika clearly represent the masculine and feminine, positive and negative principles of nature.
Two swastikas in both directions, exactly overlapping, undoubtedly form the potent cross, and in this sense these represent the erotic conjunction of the two sexes.
According to Aztec legend, it was a couple, a man and a woman, who invented fire, and this is only possible with the cross in motion.
INRI: Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra (The fire renews Nature incessantly).