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Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Heart

The Heart

The heart is truly a double pump. One side of the heart pumps blood in one direction while the other pumps blood in the opposite direction. These two pumping directions complement and harmonize each other wonderfully. The most interesting thing about the two opposite blood streams pumped by the heart is that they do not collide but help each other to advance together.

The heart is truly the Sun of our organism. The heart is the greatest wonder of creation. Nevertheless, there are eminently cultured and educated people who do not know the physiology of the heart.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Pancreatic Gland

The Pancreatic Gland

The pancreas happens to be a gland partially without a tube. All the digestive juices of the human organism empty into the duodenum through the famous duct of Wirsung.

The famous Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller, professor of medicine at the University of Berlin, stated in his Zodiacal Course that the constellation of Virgo has influence over the womb and especially over the barren islets of Langerhans.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Liver

The Liver

The liver is the biggest gland of the organism. The liver is situated on the right side, exactly below the diaphragm. The liver has a dark red color. The liver weighs four pounds, more or less, and is a little less than nine inches long, seven inches wide, and four inches across through its thickest part.

Doctors call the liver “the organ of the five.” The Kabbalists know that the five is the number of Geburah, severity, the law.

Many mystics state that Christ is crucified in the liver. There is no doubt that the liver is the seat of appetites and desires. From that point of view, we can really state that we have Christ crucified in the liver.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Suprarenal (Adrenal) Glands

The Suprarenal (Adrenal) Glands

Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a very important hormone in the human organism. It serves to maintain the tone of the sanguineous vessel walls.

The cortex of the suprarenal is intimately related with the development of the sexual glands. There is no doubt about the influence so marked by the suprarenal cortex in relation to sex. The suprarenal cortex influences the development of the glands and above all the characteristics of sexuality. The famous doctor of medicine Paracelsus stated in regards to the kidneys the following:

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Spleen

The Spleen

The spleen is a very important organ in the human organism.

When the hour of sleep arrives, the soul wrapped in the astral body abandons the physical body and travels in the world of the fifth dimension. Meanwhile, something remains inside the physical body. This something is the ethereal double. The double is the lingam sarira of the sages of Hindustan. Dr. Paracelsus named that ethereal double the mumia.