The Third Chamber
1. Now, the sacred fire of the body of willpower has penetrated into the third spinal chamber.
2. A strange trumpet resounds...
3. Now, be escorted, oh Buddha, be escorted by your Guru...
4. Receive in the temple, sibling of mine, the rune HAGAL, the star of six points, the divine breath of the sacred music of God.
5. The sacred star shines with an ineffable brightness.
6. You have entered into the kingdom of music...
7. Delectable melodies ineffably resound in the divine areas of the causal world...
8. Exquisite symphonies, impossible to describe with human words...
9. Now, you have entered, sibling of mine, into the school of music of the Causal world, or world of willpower...
10. A great music professor directs that sacred college...
11. This Master of music makes your acquaintance...
12. He is a genius professor of divine art, celebrated in the temple of music...
13. His long and grey-haired hair, his face that resembles lightning, clearly reveals the majesty of God ...
14. We, all the disciples of this sacred school of music, are Buddhas.
15. Now, the ancient professor affectionately holds your hand, and teaches you a secret salutation with which adepts recognize each other...
16. Christ's will is ineffable music.
17. The world of willpower is the world of music...
18. Music grants to willpower the ineffable harmony of the Gods.
19. Music and willpower form a marriage of love, impossible to describe with human words.
20. Music grants willpower the quality of conjunct beauty...
21. Music grants willpower the harmony of the great cosmic diapason.
22. The volitive acts of music are as harmonious and solemn as the movement of the stars in the space...
23. As long as the fifth degree of the power of the fire has not entered the third spinal chamber of the body of willpower, volitive acts will not be in accord with the vibrant harmonies of the solemn cosmic symphonies.
24. When willpower is distant from music, it is coarse and rude, like the caress of a feline beast...
25. However, once the Sacred Fire has entered into the third spinal chamber of the body of willpower, volitive actions are true living symphonies...
26. Christ's will has the majesty of the tempest and the love of the dawning star...
27. Music grants unto willpower that eurythmy of Apollo and that beauty of Venus de Milo...
28. The willpower of music is the phallus of the Gods...
29. The Masters of music are columns of the temple of the living God...
30. Music generates actions as perfect as the harmonies of the cosmic diapason.
31. The entire universe is the temple of music...
32. Arthur Shopenhauer, in his book entitled, "The World as Will and Representation," conceived Nature as a representation of willpower.
33. Nonetheless, he forgot that willpower is music...
34. Every living flower, the sigh of every bird, and the love hidden within the bosom of the earth, are living incarnations of music...
35. Everything in nature has a key note, and the set of all of those notes constitutes that magnificent tone of the Great Mother, which resounds in the ardent space with the Chinese Kung...
36. When Joshua blew the trumpet, the walls of Jericho collapsed, because he sounded the key note of those unconquered walls...
37. A soft word calms wrath, and discordant words break the harmony of the cosmic diapason, and generate disorder...
38. The ineffable orchestras of the zodiacal belt resound in the world of willpower, lifting us toward the most sublime summits of samadhi.
39. The great rhythms of fire produce the dances of the stars within the incommensurable spaces.
40. The will of music sustains the flux and reflux of life, and moves the pendulum of the infinite existences throughout the Mahamanvantara.
41. The Word is incarnated within the heart of every lotus, and in the throb of every life.
42. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." – John 1:1-14
43. Music is will of God...
44. Music is Christ's will.
45. Classical music generates universes, and sustains suns during the great cosmic day...
46. One becomes enraptured when listening to compositions like the nine symphonies of Beethoven...
47. One becomes ecstatically overwhelmed amidst the notes of Mozart, Chopin, and Liszt...
48. Every upright action is music of light...
49. Every wrong action is fatal music.
50. Negative music like mambo, guaracha, porro, cumbia, etc., is infernal music from the abyss that only originates fornications, adulteries, hatreds, gormandize, drunkennesses, crimes, etc.
51. We prove with this that willpower is music, and that every action is a daughter of music.
52. War marches inflame the will of men and take them to violence.
53. Funeral marches fill the eyes with tears and produce confusion of faces and bitterness.
54. Human words are articulated music, sometimes sweet and calm like inneffable melodies, sometimes satanic and discordant like infernal notes...
55. The articulated word is a terrible weapon, as much for good as for evil.
56. When humanity had not yet left Eden, it only uttered the word of the light, which as a golden river sweetly slid through the thick, sunny jungle.
57. Within the ineffable profundity of music, all of nature utters that ineffable tongue of the Gods.
58. The tongue of the Gods is sacred music.
59. This divine tongue has its sacred alphabet, and to that sacred alphabet belong the divine runes (read Igneous Rose and Gnostic Magic of the Runes).
60. The creative larynx is the sexual organ of Christ's will.
61. The word of the Gods places the worlds into existence.
62. The word of the Gods is Christ's will.
63. The sacred mantras Chis, Ches, Chos, Chus, Chas totally develop and unfold the chakras of the Astral body. [The CH is pronounced as in Hebrew: "...the combination CH (letter Chet) is considerably abundant in Hebrew mantras; it has an immense magical power." - Logos Mantra Theurgy]
64. Chis is for clairvoyance. Ches is for the occult ear. Chos is for the heart. Chus is for solar plexus. Chas is for the pulmonary chakras.
65. Our disciples will vocalize these mantras one hour daily so that they will develop the chakras of their Astral body, and thus perceive the internal worlds.
66. We must know how to pronounce the vowels of these mantras, so that they produce their positive result.
67. It is necessary to vocalize by prolonging the sound as much as we can.
68. It is necessary to vocalize the S like a sharp sibilant sound similar to the sound produced by air brakes, a prolonged sound, a sibilant sound...
69. The following is the manner we must pronounce them: Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssss Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss Chooooooooooooosssssssss Chuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssss Chaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss
70. With this explanation we mean that the sound of each of the mantras must be prolonged: Chis, Ches, Chos, Chus, Chas.
71. It is understood that the sound of these mantras is prolonged by extending the sound of the vowels and the whistle of the S.
72. These very powerful mantras of the great tongue of the light will develop totally the chakras of the Astral body of our disciples.
73. The golden tongue resounds in all creation.
74. The golden tongue is Christ's will.
75. Now, rejoice, oh Buddha, because you have entered into the temple of music.
76. With patience, study the divine art of music.
77. From this moment, the professor of this sacred college will teach music-will to you.
78. Music-will is Christ's will.
79. Christ's will is the Word...
80. Christ's will is music.
81. Christ was the incarnation of the Word.
82. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
83. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
84. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.