The Triple Dominion of Seth
Lo and behold, that the white shining Eye of Horus cometh. The brilliant Eye of Horus as a mystic look-out cometh. It harmoniously cometh in peace, it sendeth forth rays of light as Ra (the intimate Logoi) in the horizon, and (thanks to meditation and with the help of the sacred snake) it destroyeth the triple power of Seth (the ego) according to the decree.
It leadeth him on, and it taketh possession of him (towards the Infernal Worlds) and the flames of this Divine Eye are kindled against him.
May I bring adoration unto its regenerator flame (my divine Mother Kundalini) that cometh and goeth about (she has the power of eliminating all of those perverse entities or screaming quarrelsome “I’s” that constitute the ego).
It cometh and goeth about heaven encircling Ra (the intimate Logoi) and maketh him reign upon the divine ordering…!
O Ra, verily, the Divine Eye of Horus liveth, yea liveth within the Sanctuary of the great temple, the Divine Eye of Horus liveth, yea liveth, and its esoteric name is An-Maaut-f. - The Book of the Dead
It is unquestionable that the multiple tenebrous entities which personify our psychological defects constitute the ego (Seth). Therefore, the triple power of Seth is clear, obvious, and manifest. It is obvious that the red demons (“I’s” or tenebrous entities) of Seth, express themselves through our body of desires (Judas), through our mental animal vehicle (Pilate) and through our bestial will (Caiaphas).
We already stated in former chapters and now we repeat in this one again that the intellectual animals mistakenly called human beings still do not possess the authentic Astral, Mental, and Causal vehicles.
It is very painful to have to emphatically affirm that instead of these mentioned solar vehicles, these wretched rational homunculi, indeed, only have three perverse demons within. These are the three wicked friends of Job.
It is obvious that this perverse race of Adam is one hundred percent diabolic. It is unquestionable that these wretched people do not have their Being incarnated. My words might seem severe to many readers; however, we must not hide the truth…
How difficult it is to build the glorious bodies of Kam-ur…! These Christic vehicles can only be created in the flaming forge of Vulcan…
The Nativity of the heart, the incarnation of the Being within ourselves, is only possible if we dress ourselves with the garments of Osiris (the Solar Bodies).
Nonetheless, I tell you: woe unto those who after having reached the Second Birth continue alive…!
Those ones, oh God! will convert themselves as a fact into hasnamussen (abortions of the divine Mother Kundalini) with a double center of gravity.
It is obvious that the Being dressed with the Wedding Garment of the Soul (To Soma Heliakon) constitutes in Himself an ineffable and terrifically divine solar entity…
It is obvious that Seth, dressed with the triple tenebrous aspect of the lunar bodies, assumes the undesirable form of a lunar, abominable black magician…
For instance: when one invokes the hasnamuss Andramelek, then either the white Master or the black Master can concur to the invocation. Nevertheless, both personages are the same individual.
Therefore, after the Second Birth, which the great Kabir Jesus talked about unto the great Rabbi Nicodemus, one finds oneself between two paths: the right hand path and the sinister path… It is evident, clear, and manifest that the left-hand path is the path of the hasnamussen (this word is plural. The singular pronunciation is hasnamuss).
This order of concomitances invites us to think in the inevitable urgency for a radical and definitive moral asepsis from the very beginning.
Such intimate asepsis is achieved by reducing into cosmic dust all of those red devils or tenebrous “I’s” that express themselves within ourselves through the three wicked friends of Job…
As a sequence, we can emphasise the irrefutable idea that to intend the radical elimination of the three traitors of Hiram Abiff, without the previous death of the pluralized “I” (Seth), would be an absurdity…
Indeed and by all means it is easy to understand that each psychological defect is found personified in some tenebrous form…
Buddha taught that the ego is constituted by a sum of psychological aggregates (devil “I’s”).
Such aggregates are perishable. The unique thing that within ourselves assumes transcendental aspects of everlastingness is our Innermost Buddha. Unfortunately, this wretched humanity does not have Him incarnated.
This secret Buddha is so distinct from our body, our mind, and our most intimate affections, as oil is to water, as day is to night, as winter is to summer…
It is frightful to know that the secret Buddha is the judge of ourselves, of our own affections, sentiments, thoughts, desires, loves, passions… etc., etc., etc…
That my Being is the judge of myself?… This is terrible, yet it is true…
Therefore, by no means does my interior Buddha want me to exist… He wants my radical death…
How beautiful it is to die from moment to moment…! What is new arrives only with death…!
The secret Buddha becomes our best friend only after the death of Seth (the ego)…
The reason for the Being to be is to be the Being himself…