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Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records

Any deductive or inductive logical system invites us to comprehend that the whole history of the Earth and of its Root Races could not have been lost.

The Hindu sages frequently state in their books to us about that which we can indeed denominate Akash, the causa causorum of the Ether of science…

This Akashic substance is the same omnipresent and omni-penetrating Okidanokh, which fills the whole infinite space…

All of the cosmic concentrations from the infinite space are the mathematical outcome of the multiple crystallizations of the omnipresent Okidanokh…

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Lucifer


We have arrived in this present 1969-1970 Christmas Message to a very thorny problem. I am emphatically referring to Lucifer-Venus, unto whom Isaiah (14:12) offered that ineffable chant of pure mysticism, as follows:

How art thou fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning, thou who looketh so brilliant at dawning?

How can we indeed comprehend the profound mystery of the rebellion in heaven if we do not rend the veil which covers the Luciferian mysteries?

Let us remember the seven “children of inertia” from the Egyptian Mysteries who were thrown out from Am-smen, or paradise.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Darkness


Ancient wisdom states that darkness is in itself Father-Mother, and light is its child.

It is evident that the uncreated light has an unknowable origin, which is absolutely unknowable to us…

In no way do we exaggerate if we emphasise the idea that the origin of the uncreated light is darkness.

The cosmos emerges from the chaos, and light sprouts from darkness. Let us profoundly pray..!

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Substances, Atoms, Forces

Substances, Atoms, Forces

The Master ‘G,’ when speaking about substances and forces, stated:

“Proceeding again with the law of three, we must learn how to find the manifestations of this law in everything we do and in everything we study.

“When this law is applied through any way or through any act, we will see that it reveals many new things to us, many things which formerly we did not see.

“Let us take chemistry for an example. Ordinary chemistry does not know of the Law of Trinity. Therefore, it studies the matter without taking into account its cosmic properties.

“However, another chemistry apart from the ordinary one exists. This is a special chemistry that we can call Alchemy, which is a chemistry that studies matter by taking into account its cosmic properties.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Pratimoksha


We start this chapter with a beautiful poem from Don Ramon del Valle Inclan:

Gnostic Rose

Nothing can be that has not formerly been.
Nothing can be that shall not become tomorrow.
Eternal all instants are and have been,
as the grain which the clock scrapes with sorrow.
Eternal is the rose’s grace,