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Hell Devil Karma: Hell


Question:In this day and age - according to scientists - we can no longer acknowledge the hell of fire and flames of which the Catholic religion speaks to us, since this is nothing more than a religious superstition. Is this true, Master?

Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, allow me to tell you that any religious type of inferno is exclusively symbolic.


Hell Devil Karma: The Three Aspects of the Earth's Interior

The Three Aspects of the Earth's Interior

Question:Master, based on what you have previously explained to us, should we then understand that the infradimensions only exist below the interior layers of the Earth, since the supradimensions, which are associated with the heavens, are only found above the terrestrial crust?

Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, your question is combined quite significantly; thus, I will give a quick answer.

Hell Devil Karma: The Seven Cosmoses

The Seven Cosmoses

Friends, we are gathered here again with the purpose of studying the ray of creation.

It is urgent, indispensable, and unpostponable to clearly and precisely know the exact place that we occupy within the vivifying ray of creation.

First of all, respectable gentlemen, dear ladies, I beseech you very kindly to follow my lecture with infinite patience.

Hell Devil Karma: Monads and Essences

Monads and Essences

evolutionBeloved friends, once again we are meeting here in this place in order to talk in a detailed manner about the different causes that lead intellectual humanoids downward along the descending, devolving path through the infernal regions.