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Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: Tenochtitlan, Mexico

Tenochtitlan, Mexico

Tenochtitlan certainly has a very clear and simple explanation, devoid of useless artifices: “place of tenochtli,” which is a hard pear cactus. The traditional cactus, born in the hard rock, is a very ancient glyph of the archaic mysteries, the magical and mystical sign of the city.

Mexico etymologically comes from the root metztli, “moon,” and xictli, “navel or center.” The pre-Columbian classic word Mexico can and must even be translated as, “the city in the middle of the lake of the moon.” 

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Final Cataclysm

The Final Cataclysm

Unquestionably, the sun stone, the famous Aztec calendar, is a perfect synthesis of science, philosophy, art, and religion.

The Word of Saint John, the Logos or Demiurge creator of the universe, Tonatiuh with its triangular tongue of fire, is the golden child of sexual alchemy, the spiritual Sun of Midnight, the rising eagle, the shining dragon of wisdom, and is represented by the bright star that gives us life, light, and heat. Decorated in the Nahuatl manner, it gloriously appears in the center of the great solar stone. 

On the sides of the "big face" appear his hands armed with eagle talons clutching human hearts.

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: Paradises and Infernos

Paradises and Infernos

"Oh, blessed Mixcoatl, thy name is well deserved to be lauded in chants, and thy fame is well deserved to be alive in the world, and to be mentioned by the mouth of those who dance the Areytos around the suburbs and tambourines of Huexotzinco so that thou may rejoice and appear to thy noble and generous friends, thy relatives!

"Oh, glorious youth worthy of all praise!, Who offered thine heart to the sun, clean as a string of sapphires, again thou shall return to sprout, again thou shall return to flourish in the world, you will come to the Areytos, and among the drums and tambourines of Huexotzinco, you will appear to the noble and courageous men, and thy friends will see thee.”  —Sahagun 11, 140

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Serpentine Binary

The Serpentine Binary

The serpentine binary in the pre–Hispanic Mexico is certainly something that invites us to reflect.

The two igneous serpents or Xiuhcoatles that gracefully encircle the Sun in the Aztec calendar also encircle the major temple of the great Tenochtitlan and form the famous Coatepantli or “wall of serpents.”

The Aztec serpent constantly appears in extraordinary situations that integrally disarrange its organic design: the tail, represented by a second head in unusual poses, leads us by simple logical deduction to the serpentine binary.

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Elementals

The Elementals

Our Divine Mother Tonantzin is the igneous serpent of our magical powers victoriously ascending along the medullar spinal canal of the human body.

Coatlicue is the serpent of the abyss, Kali, Hecate, the infernal Proserpine, the goddess of the Earth.

Cihuacoatl is another terrible name of the goddess of the Earth and the blessed patron of the famous Cihuateteo ["divine women”] that scream at night and roar frightfully in the air.

In more recent times Cihuacoatl transformed herself into the "weeping woman" from our popular legends, who carries a mysterious cradle or a corpse of an innocent child and who howls in the bitter nights, bitter wailings in the ancestral streets of the city.