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Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: The Seven Days of Creation

The Seven Days of Creation

1. Let us now enter into the alchemical spagyria.

2. Spagyria or spagyric medicine comes from the Greek "spao," to extract, and "ageiro," to reunite.

3. Therefore, spagyria means "to extract and reunite."

4. All the great arcana of occult medicine are found in Eden, and Eden is sex itself.

5. The Chaos is within all plants, and the Tattvas are inside the Chaos.

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: Simon the Magician

Simon the Magician


"Simon offered them money." - Acts 8:18-24

1. When I was in the supra-sensible worlds, two books came into my hands.

2. The first was from Simon the Magician, and the other was from the Samaritan Menander, who reached the pinnacle of magical science.

3. After consulting these two books, I invoked Simon the Magician.

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: The Room of Maat

The Room of Maat

1. "Hail, phallus of Ra, who departest from thy calamity [that ariseth] through opposition."

"The cycles have been without movement for millions of years."

"I am stronger than the strong, I am mightier than the mighty."

"If I sail away or if I be snatched away to the east through the two horns, or (as others say), "if any evil and abominable thing be done unto me at the feast of the devils, the phallus of Ra shall be swallowed up, along with the head of Osiris." - Book of the Dead, Chapter 93, verses 1-5

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: Change Nature, Thus You Shall Find What You Seek

Change Nature, Thus You Shall Find What You Seek

1. Arnaldus de Villa Nova, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully, and many other alchemists designated sperm or semen as Mercury.

2. There is only one matter that serves as a foundation for the Great Work of the Father.

3. This crude matter of the Great Work is the sperm, which is designated by the alchemists as Mercury.

4. Mercury is the sperm of all metals.

5. Arnaldus de Villa Nova states that Mercury engenders the diverse metals in the bosom of the Earth, according to the degree of Sulfuration.

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury

Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury

1. Salt is the substance of all things, and the fixed principle of all that exists.

2. Salt works upon the Sulfur and the Mercury. Thus, Sulfur and Mercury make the Salt volatile, just as they are.

3. Salt thickens them and in return makes them fixed.

4. When Salt is dissolved in an appropriate liquor, then it dissolves solid things and gives them consistency.

5. Salt gives a form of perfection to the Child of Gold of sexual alchemy.