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Aztec Christic Magic: Malkuth


We have arrived at our last chapter. If the disciple practices this book of twenty-two chapters during his whole life, without getting tired, then he will be born within the superior worlds as a Master of the White Lodge.

Humanity develops in two circles: the exoteric (public) and the esoteric (occult).

The exoteric circle is the circle of the multitudes; the esoteric circle is the circle of divine humanity, the circle of the Masters of the White Lodge. In the physical world, there are a lot of schools, lodges, orders, and pseudo-spiritualist, pseudo-esoteric, and pseudo-occult societies. Abundant literature on Yoga, occultism, etc., circulates everywhere. All of that pseudo-esoteric literature and all of those schools constitute a true labyrinth of contradictory theories. These are schools that combat each other, and pseudo-esoteric authors who confuse and mislead the aspirants.