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Aztec Christic Magic: Tepeu K’Ocumatz

Tepeu K’Ocumatz

Tepeu K’Ocumatz is the Ancient of Days among the Aztecs. The Ancient of Days is androgynous, meaning masculine and feminine at the same time. The Ancient of Days is the Father inside of us. Therefore, Tepeu K’Ocumatz is the Being of our Being. He is the first and last synthesis of our Being. The Elder of Days is the first emanation of the Absolute. An Ancient of Days exists within the depth of the consciousness of each human being.

Aztec Christic Magic: Coatlicue


Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl, Lord and Lady of duality. Ome: two; tecuhtli: Lord. Ome: two; cihuatl: Lady. The entire universe emanated from this divine dual masculine and feminine principle. This God-Goddess had four children, the four Tezcatlipocas: Xipetotec, the red one; Tezcatlipoca, the black one; Quetzalcoatl, the white one; Huitzilopochtli, the blue one. The four colors of the four races that presently populate the world were born from this divine and invisible binary.

Ometecuhtli has the presence of the Cosmic Christ. The Nahuas represent him with a beautiful, ornamented tunic and a flinted phallus, symbol of light. The entire presence of Omecihuatl is that of the cosmic virgin. The Nahuas represent her with an extraordinarily beautiful blue mantle and a skirt of occultation. He is Huehueteotl, the Old God, Father of all Gods and human beings. She is Tonantzin, our dearly beloved Mother.

Aztec Christic Magic: The Work of the Initiate

The Work of the Initiate

The human being is united with his inner Christ when he consciously raises his seven serpents. Thus, the seven lights of the candelabra of the living temple of his body are lit when these seven serpents arise throughout the length of his spinal medulla. The two cerebrospinal ganglionic lines that precede the seven serpents in their ascent towards the brain shine with the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit at each side of his vertebral column.

This work of Telesis—or intelligent work of perfection—does not always culminate with the union of the initiate with Christ; yet, when it does culminate with this union, then the human being is one not only with Christ, but moreover, he is also one with the Absolute.

Aztec Christic Magic: The Pantheon

The Pantheon


The Causal Plane is the book of the memories of God. The duplicates of all gods, humans, animals, and things that have existed upon the Earth abide within it. Xiuhtecuhtli as an allegorical monolith is found within the Causal Plane; He is the God of fire, of the year, of time, and father of all Gods who dwell in the Tlalocan. Xiuhtecuhtli is one of the many names of Ometecuhtli; this is related with his aspect of Old God (Huehueteotl).

Aztec Christic Magic: The Bat God

The Bat God

camazotzThe town of Tzinacatlan in Chiapas (Mexico) is inhabited by the Tzoctziles (people of the bat) from the Mayan family and the town of Tzinacantepec in the valley of Toluca. In the Popol Vuh (Mayan Bible), the bat is a great angel who descended from heaven in order to behead the first Mayan people, who were made of wood. He is the same heavenly Bat who in the Popol Vuh advised Ixbalanque and Hunab Ku what they should do in order to become victorious in the ordeal within the cavern of the Bat God.