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The Three Mountains: The Secret of the Abyss

The Secret of the Abyss

Humbly, without arrogance, and excluding from my mind any possible inanity, frankly and plainly speaking, I confess that after having risen through the five degrees of igneous initiations, the development of the eight degrees of the Venustic Initiations of Light was urgent for me.

If what is truly required is the complete awakening of the First Serpent of Light, then the work in the “flaming forge of Vulcan” (sex) becomes undeferable.

The following is written with words of gold in the book of all splendors: “The Kundalini develops, revolves, and ascends within the marvelous aura of Mahachohan.”

The Three Mountains: The Baptism of John

The Baptism of John

Within the organic vital depth (the lingam sarira), the second degree of the Venustic Initiation (in a superior octave to its corresponding Initiation of Fire) transcendentally surged as an esoteric result of the miraculous inward and upward ascension of the second radiant serpent of light along the spinal medullar canal.

Certainly, I had to have an unexpected magical encounter with John in the Garden of Hesperides, where the rivers of water of pure life pour forth milk and honey...

The Three Mountains: The Transfiguration of Jesus

The Transfiguration of Jesus

The luminous ascension of the Third Serpent of Light inwardly and upwardly along the brilliant spinal medullar canal of the sidereal body granted me complete access to the Venustic, superior octave of the corresponding Initiation of Fire...

It is not possible to write within the narrow frame of this treatise everything that in foregone times I learned in each and every one of the thirty-three holy chambers...

The extraordinary revolution of the radiant third snake was processed very slowly according to the merits of the tranquil heart...

I obviously felt transfigured when the luminous viper passed through the threshold of the third secret chamber of my heart temple.

The Three Mountains: Jerusalem


The experience of the crude, evangelical reality of the great Kabir Jesus’ magisterial entrance into Jerusalem was granted to me, thanks to the inward and upward development, the revolution and ascension, of the Fourth Venustic Serpent along the medullar canal of the mental body.

Then, I could directly verify for myself the inferior (inferno) and superior (heaven) aspects of the mental world.

Unquestionably, that great harlot of all fatalities, the great, apocalyptic whore whose number is 666, is horrifyingly devolving within the mental infernos...

The Three Mountains: The Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives

As a fact, the marvelous inward and upward ascension of the Fifth Serpent of Light along the spinal medullar canal of the causal body granted me open access into the initiatic mysteries of the fifth degree of the Venustic wisdom.

If I write in detail all of that which I then learned in the thirty-three holy chambers of the causal world, it is obvious that I would fill immense volumes.

There, as a causal man seated with much humility, I crossed my arms over my chest in order to assist in the final ceremony...

Unfortunately, I had the wrong custom of crossing my arms in such a way that the left was always over the right...