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Tarot and Kabbalah: The Sephiroth

The Sephiroth

The ten Sephiroth of universal vibration emerge from the Ain Soph, which is the microcosmic star that guides our interior. This star is the real Being of our Being.

Ten Sephiroth are spoken of, but in reality there are twelve; the Ain Soph is the eleventh, and its tenebrous antithesis is in the abyss, which is the twelfth Sephirah.

These are twelve spheres or universal regions that interpenetrate each other without confusion. These twelve spheres gravitate in the central atom of the sign of the infinite. Solar humanity unfolds in these twelve spheres. We have said that the sign of the infinite is in the center of the earth, in the heart of the earth.

Tarot and Kabbalah: Kether


Indeed, each one of us has in the depths of our consciousness a venerable elder. This is the First Logos. The Kabbalists denominate Him Kether.

The Ancient of Days is androgynous, meaning man and woman at the same time. Kether is the first and last synthesis of our Being. The Elder of Days is the first terribly divine emanation of the abstract absolute space.

The Ancient of Days is original in each human being. He is the Father; therefore, there are as many Fathers in Heaven as there are human beings on Earth.

The Ancient of Days is the occult of the occult, the mercy of mercies, the goodness of goodness, the root of our Being, the “Great Wind.”

Tarot and Kabbalah: Chokmah


"Come, oh hallowed Word, come, oh sacred name of the Chrestos force, come, oh sublime energy, come, oh divine mercy, come, supreme seity of the most high." - Gnostic Mass

The Sephirah Chokmah of the Hebraic Kabbalah is the Cosmic Christ, the Christus. He is Vishnu among the Hindus.

The Second Logos, Chokmah, is love, the Agnus Dei, the immolated Lamb; it is the fire that burns since the beginning of the world, in all of creation, for our salvation. Chokmah is fire and underlies the depth of all organic and inorganic matter.

Solar energy is Astral Light. Its essence is the Christonic power which is enclosed in the fertile pollen of the flower, enclosed within the heart of the fruit of the tree, enclosed within the internal secretion glands of the animal and the human being. The principal seat of this essence within the human being is in the coccyx. The Aztecs denominated this sacred power as the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl that only awakes and ascends up to our pineal gland by means of amorous magic.

Tarot and Kabbalah: Binah


"Hail sacred swan! Miraculous Hamsa. Hail Phoenix bird of paradise! Hail immortal Ibis! Dove of the Grail, creative energy of the Third Logos!" - Gnostic Ritual

Binah is the Holy Spirit; He is the Third Logos, the Lord Shiva of the Hindus, who manifests himself as sexual potency within everything which is, has been, and will be.

The Holy Spirit is the sexual force we see within the pistils of flowers, which expresses itself through the creative organs of all living species. The Holy Spirit is a marvellous force without which the universe could not exist.

Tarot and Kabbalah: Chesed


Chesed, in Himself, is the Innermost; according to the Hindus He is Atman. It has been said that Chesed is directly governed by Jupiter and nothing else. This is false, because the Innermost is Martian, a warrior, a fighter. This is not accepted by many Kabbalists, who might even consider it absurd. But, whosoever has a direct experience in Chesed knows very well that Chesed is a warrior. It is the Innermost who has to be in a struggle to the death against darkness, who has to fight very hard for His own intimate realization of the Self; He is always in battle. It is obvious that He has something of Jupiter, because He can grasp the scepter of Kings; I do not deny it, but it is a false statement that He is only and exclusively Jupiterian.

Atman is our Innermost, our divine Seity, the seventh principle who is in all Beings, but who is not within all human beings.