Negligence and carelessness lead every human being to failure.
To be negligent is, as we would say, nec legere, “to not elect,” to surrender to the arms of failure.
Ninety-seven percent of human thoughts are negative and harmful.
What we are in this world is the result of our own mental processes.
If the human being wishes to identify himself, to value himself, and to imagine himself correctly, then he must explore his own mind.
The Particular Characteristic Psychological Feature
All human beings are one hundred percent mechanical, unconscious beings. Because they are profoundly hypnotized, they work with their consciousness asleep without ever knowing where they come from or where they are going.
The hypnosis (which is collective and flows in all of nature) is derived from the abominable Kundabuffer organ. The present human race is hypnotized and unconscious; it is submerged in the most profound sleep.
Awakening is only possible by destroying the “I,” the ego. We have to recognize with complete clarity that each person has his own Particular Characteristic Psychological Feature (PCPF), which we have spoken about many times before.
Methodology of the Work
Before knowing and eliminating the PCPF, we should work intensely in a general manner in relation to all the defects since the PCPF has very profound roots that come from past existences. In order to know it, it is necessary to have worked in an untiring manner with a methodology of work for at least five years.
We must have order in the work and precision in the elimination of our defects. For example, on any given day the defects of lust might have manifested themselves through us in the morning, the defects of pride in the afternoon and the defects of anger at night. Indubitably, we are seeing a succession of facts and manifestations. Therefore, we ask ourselves: on which defect should we work on and how should we work on this defect that manifested itself through us during the day?
Sophisms of Distraction
Sophisms are the false reasonings that induce us to err and that are gestated by the ego in the forty-nine levels of the subconsciousness.
The subconsciousness is the sepulcher of the past upon which burns the fatuous fire of thought and in which the sophisms of distraction are gestated; the latter lead the intellectual animal to fascination, and thereby, to the sleep of the consciousness.
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