The Fallacy of the Ego
The fallacy of the ego is the habit of deceiving without any limitations; this fallacy is processed through the series of the “I.”
Any person can commit the error of shooting himself in the head (as is done by any cowardly and imbecilic suicidal person) but the famous “I” of psychology will never be able to commit suicide.
People of all pseudo-esoteric schools have magnificent ideals and even sublime intentions. However, all of these ideals and sublime intentions sustain their existence in the field of subjective and miserable thinking, because all of that belongs to the “I.”
In order to experience the truth, one does not need to exert oneself whatsoever. People are accustomed to exerting themselves in everything they do and erroneously suppose that it is impossible to experience the truth without any exertion.
We may need to exert ourselves in order to earn our daily bread, to play a game of football, or to carry a very heavy load. But it is absurd to believe that exertion is necessary in order to experience that which is the truth.
Comprehension replaces exertion when one tries to comprehend the truth intimately hidden in the secret depths of each problem.
Psychological Slavery
The reason why we have written this book entitled The Revolution of the Dialectic is because there is not even the least bit of doubt that we are on the verge of a third world conflagration.
Times have changed and we are initiating a new era within the august thundering of thought. A new revolutionary ethic based on a revolutionary psychology is now needed.
Without an in-depth ethic, the best social and economic formulae remain reduced to dust. It is impossible for the individual to transform himself if he does not concern himself with the dissolution of the “I.”
The Kalkian Personality
Each day we must become more and more conscious of the work that we are doing. Therefore, it is fundamental to know the differences that exist between the Gnostic Movement and all the other pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist organizations that we find in the world today. If we want to comprehend the work that we must do, we have to know how to situate ourselves, how to center ourselves, above all else.
If we take a general look at the different pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist schools that presently exist in the world, we can easily discover their origin.
Contumacy is the insistence of pointing out an error. This is why I will never become tired of insisting that the cause of all errors is the ego, the myself. I do not care if the intellectual animals become upset because I speak against the ego; no matter what the cost might be, I will continue with contumacy.
Two great world wars have passed and the world is on the verge of a Third World War. The world is in crisis; there is misery, illness, and ignorance everywhere.
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