The Revolution of Meditation
The technique of meditation permits us to arrive at the heights of illumination and the revolution of the dialectic.
We must distinguish between a mind that is still and a mind that is stilled by force.
When the mind is stilled by force, it is really not still. It is gagged by violence and in the deeper levels of understanding there exists an entire tempest.
Mechanical Association
Isan sent a mirror to Master Koysen, who showed it to his monks and asked: “Is this Isan’s mirror or my mirror?
“If you say that it belongs to Isan how is it that it is in my hands? If you say that it is mine, have I not received it from Isan’s hands? Speak, speak, or else I will break it into pieces.”
The monks were unable to pass between those two opposites and the Master broke the mirror into pieces.
The Dominion of the Mind
It is clear that at each moment we have to become more and more independent from the mind. The mind is certainly a dungeon, a prison where all of us are prisoners. We need to evade that prison if indeed we want to know what liberty is; to know that liberty which does not belong to time, that liberty which is not of the mind.
First of all, we must consider the mind as something that is not of the Being. Unfortunately, people who are quite identified with their mind, say, “I am thinking,” thus, they feel as if they are the mind itself.
Probationism is the science which studies the mental essences which imprison the soul. Probationism is the science of esoteric ordeals.
Probationism is that internal wisdom which permits us to study the prisons of understanding.
Probationism is the pure science which permits us to know in depth the errors of individual minds.
The Intellect
That which one studies must be transformed into consciousness through spontaneous meditation, otherwise it destroys the intellect.
It is necessary to practice undivided, integral meditation at the hour when one feels like doing so. Meditation must not be mechanical.
It is necessary to acquire the mathematical equilibrium between the Being and Knowledge: 20 + 20 = 40; 40 - 20 = 20.
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