The States of the Ego
The states of the ego are classified in the following manner:
Stereopsychic: These are the identifying states that are intimately related with the exterior perceptions. These are received through the five senses and are connected with the world of impressions.
Blue Time or Rest Therapeutics
Upon the mysterious threshold of the Temple of Delphi, a Greek maxim existed, which was engraved in the stone and stated: Homo Nosce te Ipsum, “Man know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe and the Gods.”
In the final instance, it is obvious, evident, and clear that the study of oneself and serene reflection conclude in the quietude and in the silence of the mind.
When the mind is quiet and in silence (not only in the intellectual level, but in each and every one of the forty-nine subconscious departments) then the Newness emerges. The Essence, the consciousness, comes out of the bottle, and the awakening of the soul, the Ecstasy, the Samadhi, occurs.
The Corpses of the Ego
In the atomic infernos, one has to disintegrate the corpses of the ego by dint of the sexual electric force. One must not wait for time to disintegrate them.
The Philosophical Stone is the precious diamond with which Solomon polished the precious stones.
Upon disintegrating the corpses of the ego, we must direct all of our efforts in not creating physical bodies again because they are vulnerable and exposed to aging and death.
Indubitably, physical bodies are created because of Karma.
Apparently, our civilization appears to be so brilliant because of its conquest of outer space and the penetration of matter, but in reality, it is rotten due to the leprosy of the decadent ethics of homosexuality, lesbianism, and drug addiction.
The present civilization has entered into its phase of devolution in order to terminate itself (as had occurred with other civilizations). As a testimony to this, history shows us that when the signs of devolution surged forth from within the arrogant and imperial Rome, the greatness of this austere and moral nation suffered radical changes and sunk it into vices. This occurred after having been a conquering community of the old world.
The Transformation of Impressions
We are going to talk about the transformation of life. This transformation is only possible if one has the resolution to profoundly do it unto oneself.
Transformation signifies that one thing changes into something else. It is logical that everything is susceptible to change.
Well-known transformations within matter exist; this no one can deny. For example, sugar is transformed into alcohol and the latter is then converted into vinegar through the action of fermentation. This is the transformation of a molecular substance. One knows about the chemical life of elements, for example, when radium is slowly transformed into lead.
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