The Work with the Demon
The awakening of the Kundalini and the dissolution of the “I,” precisely form the fundamental basis of all profound Realization of the Self.
In this chapter we shall deal with the theme of the dissolution of the “I.” This is definitive for final liberation.
The “I” is the demon that we carry within. Concerning this affirmation, we can say that the work of the dissolution of the “I” is really the work with the demon. This work is very difficult. When we work with the demon, tenebrous entities usually launch terrible attacks against us. This is really the Path of the Astute Man, the famous Fourth Path, the Path of Tao.
Swami X stated the following in one of his lessons:
“Unmarried people can unite spiritually within themselves the natural creative force of the soul by learning the correct method of meditation and its application to the physical life. Such people do not have to pass through the material experience of matrimony. They can learn to marry their feminine physical impulse with the masculine impulse of their Inner Soul.”
The Awakening of Consciousness
It is necessary to know that humanity lives with its consciousness asleep. People work asleep. People walk through the streets asleep. People live and die asleep.
When we come to the conclusion that the entire world lives asleep, then we comprehend the necessity of awakening. We need the awakening of the consciousness. We want the awakening of the consciousness.
The profound sleep in which humanity lives is caused by fascination.
Dreams and Visions
Gnostic students must learn to differentiate between dreams and visions. To dream is one thing and to have visions, another. A truly “awakened” Gnostic cannot dream. Only those who have the consciousness asleep live dreaming. The worst type of dreamer is the sexual dreamer. Those who live dreaming of carnal passions stupidly waste their creative energy in the satisfaction of their fantastic pleasures. Ordinarily, these people do not progress in their business. They fail in every sense. They end up in misery.
Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Supraconsciousness, Clairvoyant Consciousness
That which we call the ordinary vigil state of consciousness is profound sleep. The ordinary vigil state of consciousness is related with the five senses and the brain. People believe that they have an awakened consciousness and that is absolutely false. Daily, people live in the most profound sleep.
Supraconsciousness is an attribute of the Innermost (the Spirit). The faculty of Supraconsciousness is intuition.
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