When in the sanctum sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon, the High Priest chanted the terrific mantra I.A.O., the drums of the temple sounded in order to prevent the profane from hearing the sublime I.A.O.
The great Master Huiracocha stated the following in The Gnostic Church:
“Diodorus said: Know ye that among all Gods the highest is I.A.O.”
“Hades is in the winter, Zeus begins in spring, Helios in the summer, and in autumn I.A.O. enters into activity, working constantly.”
Direct Knowledge
Whosoever studies occultism wants direct knowledge, yearns to know how they are doing, wants to know about their own inner progress.
The greatest aspiration of every student is to be able to become a conscious citizen of the Superior Worlds and study at the foot of the master. Unfortunately, occultism is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The internal powers of the human race are completely damaged and atrophied. Human beings have not only lost their physical senses, but moreover, and what is worse, their internal faculties. This has been the karmic result of our bad habits. The student searches here and there, reads and rereads any book about occultism and magic that falls into his hands and all the poor aspirant does is fill himself with terrible doubts and intellectual confusion. There are thousands of authors and millions of theories. Some repeat the ideas of others; they in turn refute them, and it is all against one and one against all. Colleagues mutually combat one another, ridiculing each other. Some writers advise devotees to be vegetarians; others say they should not be. Some advise them to practice breathing exercises, others say they should not practice them. The result is horrifying for the poor seeker. Thus, the student does not know what to do. Longing for the light, he supplicates, begs, nonetheless, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing happens.
Grow and Multiply
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28 states: “Be fruitful and multiply.”
To be fruitful signifies to transmute and sublimate the sexual energy in order to grow spiritually. The word multiply refers to the procreation of the human species.
There are two types of children mentioned in the Bible: the children of God and the children of men. Children of God are those who are the outcome of Sexual Magic, when there is no spilling of semen. Children of men are those who are the outcome of passionate pleasure by the spilling of semen.
Two Rituals
Certain tenebrous rites which survive from the most remote epochs of history exist. The witches of Thessaly celebrated certain rituals in their cemeteries or pantheons in order to evoke the shadow of the dead. Thus, on the anniversary of the deaths of their loved ones, they congregated at the tombs of the cemetery and amidst the most terrifying shrieks they pierced their breasts so that blood might flow. This served as a vehicle for the shadows of the dead to materialize in the physical world. The great initiate Homer narrates in his book The Odyssey something regarding a ritual celebrated by a sorcerer on the Island of Calypso where the cruel Goddess Circe reigned. The priest cut the throat of a beast within a pit, filling it with blood. At this point the priest invoked the soothsayer of Thebes. Homer says that the soothsayer answered the call and was able to totally materialize thanks to the blood. The soothsayer of Thebes spoke personally with Ulysses and predicted many things for him.
The Two Marys
Two serpents exist, the one that ascends up the medullar canal and the one that descends. The serpent ascends within the white magicians because they do not spill the semen. The serpent descends within the black magicians because they spill the semen.
The serpent ascending in the medullar canal is the Virgin. The serpent descending from the coccyx downwards towards the atomic infernos of Nature is the Santa Maria of Black Magic and witchcraft. Behold, the two Marys: the white and the black.
White magicians abhor the Black Santa Maria. Black magicians mortally hate the White Virgin Mary. Whosoever dares to name the Virgin is attacked immediately by the tenebrous ones.
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