Resurrection and Reincarnation
The beings who love each other can become immortal like the Gods. Blissful is the one who can already eat the delicious fruits of the Tree of Life. You must know, beloved ones, that there are two exquisite trees in Eden that even share the same roots. One is the Tree of Knowledge. The other is the Tree of Life. The first gives you wisdom. The second makes you immortal.
Everyone who has worked in the Great Work has the right to eat of the delicious fruits of the Tree of Life. Indeed, love is the summum of wisdom.
The Ninth Sphere
In the great ancient civilizations which have preceded us in the course of history, the descent into the Ninth Sphere was the greatest ordeal for the supreme dignity of the hierophant. Hermes, Buddha, Jesus, Dante, Zoroaster and many other great masters had to pass through that difficult ordeal.
Remember, most beloved disciples, that the Ninth Sphere is sex. Many are they who enter the Ninth Sphere; however, it is very rare to find anyone who can victoriously pass that difficult ordeal. Most occult students live fluttering from school to school, from lodge to lodge, always curious, always in search of novelties, on the lookout for any new lecturer who arrives in the city. When any of those students resolve to work with the Arcanum A.Z.F., when any of those students resolve to descend to the Ninth Sphere in order to work with the fire and the water he does it as always: “searching,” always curious, always “foolish.” The occultist student turns everything into “little schools and theories.” If he enters the Ninth Sphere, he does so as if he enters into another “little school,” always an imbecile, always curious, always foolish. It is difficult to find a serious and determined aspirant of the truth on the path of the Perfect Matrimony. Sometimes students appear who are apparently very mature and serious; however, in the long run, they show what they are really made of. It is a sad truth, but a fact of life.
Sexual Yoga
Three types of Tantras exist in India: first, White Tantra, second, Black Tantra, and third, Grey Tantra. In White Tantra, Sexual Magic is practiced without the spilling of semen. In Black Tantra there is spilling of semen. In Grey Tantra, the semen is and is not spilled; sometimes the semen is spilled, and sometimes it is not spilled. This type of Tantra leads the devotee to Black Tantra.
Within Black Tantra we find the Bons and Drukpas of the “Red Cap,” terrible and perverse black magicians. These malignant people have disgusting procedures in order to reabsorb the semen through the urethra after having miserably spilled it. The outcome is fatal because the semen, after having been spilled, is charged with satanic atoms, which upon re-entering the body acquire the power to awaken the Kundalini negatively. It then descends to the atomic infernos of the human being and becomes the Tail of Satan. This is how the human being separates himself permanently from his Divine Being and sinks forever into the Abyss. Everyone who spills the Cup of Hermes is properly recognized as a black magician.
The Flying Serpent
With tears in my eyes (it tears at my heart to have to reveal things that should not be revealed because it is like casting pearls before swine) I must reveal something about the flying serpent for this poor suffering humanity that needs them, even though it is distressing to do so.
The Serpent Bird
In the Popol Vuh of the Mayans, the bird and the serpent are featured as the sexual creators of the universe. Tepeu and Gucumatz sent a sparrow hawk to the immense ocean of great life to bring the serpent, whose marvelous blood they kneaded into yellow and white maize. The Popol Vuh states that with this dough of white and yellow maize mixed with the blood of the serpent, the God Tzacol formed the flesh of people. The bird represents the universal spirit of life.
Secret Egypt
In ancient Egypt, yonder, in the sunny land of Khem, the great mysteries of Gnosis existed. Then, whosoever in those days was admitted to the Initiatic colleges (after having been submitted to the most difficult trials) received the terrific secret of the great Arcanum (the key of Sexual Magic) by word of mouth.
Everyone who received this secret had to take an oath of silence. Whosoever swore and then violated his oath was taken to a rocky paved courtyard of death. There, before a wall covered with strange hieroglyphs, he was inevitably put to death. His head was cut off, his heart was torn out, his body was burned and his ashes thrown to the four winds.
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