The Great Battle
In Jeremiah, chapter 21, verse 8, it is written: “Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way of death.” Man and woman can use sexual intercourse and the delights of love and kisses in order to become Gods or demons.
From the dawn of life, a great battle has raged between the powers of light and the powers of darkness. The secret root of that battle lies in sex.
The correct interpretation of the mysteries of sex exists. The white magicians never ejaculate the semen. The black magicians always ejaculate the semen. The white magicians make the igneous serpent of our magical powers ascend through the medullar canal. The black magicians make the snake descend towards the atomic infernos of the human being.
The Abyss
Kabbalistic traditions state that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith is the mother of abortions, homosexuality, and in general, all kinds of crimes against Nature. Nahemah is the mother of malignant beauty, passion, and adultery.
Thus, the Abyss is divided into two large regions: the spheres of Lilith and Nahemah. Infrasexuality reigns sovereign in these two large regions.
Normal Sexuality
We understand people of normal sexuality to be those who have no sexual conflicts of any kind. Sexual energy is divided into three distinct types. First: the energy having to do with the reproduction of the race and the health of the physical body in general. Second: the energy having to do with the spheres of thought, feeling and will. Third: the energy that is found related with the Divine Spirit of man.
Indeed, sexual energy is without a doubt the most subtle and powerful energy normally produced and transported through the human organism. Everything that a human being is, including the three spheres of thought, feeling and will, is none other than the exact outcome of distinct modifications of sexual energy.
The Seven Churches
The human being is a triad of body, soul, and Spirit. A mediator between the Spirit and the body exists. This is the soul. We, Gnostics, know that the soul is dressed with a marvelous garment. This is the Astral Body. We already know through our Gnostic studies that the Astral Body is a double of our physical organism and is endowed with marvelous internal senses.
Great clairvoyants speak to us of the seven chakras, and Mr. Leadbeater describes them in great detail. These chakras are really the senses of the Astral Body. Such magnetic centers are found in close correlation with the glands of internal secretions.
Happiness, Music, Dance, and the Kiss
Only love and wisdom should reign in the homes of Gnostic brothers and sisters. In reality, humanity confuses love with desire and desire with love. Only great Souls can and know how to love. In Eden, perfect men love ineffable women. In order to love, one must first be. Those who incarnate their Soul truly know how to love. The “I” does not know how to love. The demon “I” that today swears love is replaced by the demon “I” that does not feel like loving. We already know that the “I” is plural. The pluralized “I” is really a legion. This whole succession of “I’s” is in constant battle. It is stated that we have but one mind; nevertheless, we Gnostics affirm that we have many minds. Each phantasm of the pluralized “I” has its own mind. The “I” that kisses and adores his beloved wife is replaced by the “I” that hates her. One must first be in order to love. The present human being is not being. Whosoever has not incarnated his Soul is not being. The present human being has no real existence yet. A legion of demons speak through the human’s mouth. These are demons who swear love, demons who abandon their beloved, demons who hate, demons of jealousy, anger, resentment, etc.
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