When the dark age arrived, the colleges of Initiation were closed. This was a fatality. Henceforth, as a matter of fact, the great black lodges, which were born during the archaic darkness of the ancient times, became more active. The limit of light is darkness. Next to every temple of light another of darkness exists, and where the light more brightly shines, there darkness becomes more dense.
The colleges of Initiation from Egypt, Greece, India, China, Mexico, Yucatan, Peru, Troy, Rome, Carthage, Chaldea, etc., had their dangerous antipodes, their fatal antitheses, tenebrous schools of black magic, fatal shadows of the light.
The ignorant swine of dialectic materialism criticize Totemism; they laugh at it without comprehending it. We, the Gnostics, comprehend the grandeur of Totemism and know that its doctrine rests on the basic principles of occultism.
The Totemists profoundly know the Law of Reincarnation, as well as the laws which govern the evolution of all living species. They know that Karma is the law of cause and effect. They comprehend that all that lives is subject to Karma.
The great initiates of Totemism have investigated (with their clairvoyant powers) the intimate life of all creation, and they based the principles of their doctrine on these scientific investigations. These principles are totally unknown for the ignorant swine of materialism.
Sacred Phallicism
Every religion has a sexual origin. The veneration of the lingam-yoni and pudenda is common in Africa and Asia. Secret Buddhism is sexual. Sexual Magic is taught practically in Zen Buddhism. Buddha taught Sexual Magic in secrecy. Many phallic divinities exist. Shiva, Agni, and Shakti in India are phallic divinities.
Legba in Africa, Venus, Bacchus, Priapus, and Dionysus in Greece and Rome were phallic divinities.
The Jews had phallic Gods and sacred forests consecrated to the sexual cult. Sometimes the priests of these phallic cults allowed themselves to fall miserably and descended to wild bacchanalian orgies. Herodotus quotes the following: “All the women of Babylon had to prostitute themselves with the priests of the temple of Milita.”
The Cult of Fire
The cult of fire from ancient Persia was grandiose. The cult of fire is very ancient. It is said that this cult preceded the Achaemenid dynasty and Zoroaster’s epoch. The Persian priests possessed a very rich esoteric liturgy related with the cult of the fire. The ancient Persian sages were never careless with the fire. They had the mission of always keeping it alight. The secret doctrine of Avesta states that different types of fires exist: the fire of the lightning that flashes in the terrifying night, the fire which works inside the human organism producing calories and directing the processes of digestion, the fire which is concentrated in the innocent plants of Nature, the fire which smoulders within the mountains, and which is spewed out by the volcanoes of the Earth, the fire that is in the presence of Ahura Mazda forming his divine halo, and the everyday fire that the profane use in order to cook their food. The Persians used to say that when boiling water is spilled or when a living being is burnt, in those cases, God stops all the benefits which he has granted unto his privileged people.
The Edda
We can consider the German Edda to be the Germanic Bible. This archaic book contains the occult knowledge of the Nordics. The narratives concerning the Genesis of the world described in the Edda are as follows:
“In the beginning there were two unique regions: one of fire and light where the absolute and eternal being, Alfadur ruled, and the other, a region of darkness and cold called Niffleheim, ruled by Surtur (the Dark One). Between one region and the other there was chaos. The sparks that escaped from Alfadur fertilized the cold vapors of Niffleheim, and Ymir, father of the race of giants was born. To nourish him, and in the same manner, the cow Audhumbla was created, from whose udder flowed the four rivers of milk. Satiated, Ymir fell asleep, and from the sweat of his hands a giant couple was born, male and female; and from one of his feet, a monster with six heads.”
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