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The Major Mysteries: How to Charge Talismans and Cleanse Our Sanctuaries

How to Charge Talismans and Cleanse Our Sanctuaries

Pentagrams, crosses, or other sacred items can be charged, or the environment of our sanctuaries can be cleansed, by reciting the Conjuration of the Seven. The talismans must be placed on a table set in order to serve us as an altar. We must light three candles, and filled with faith, we begin to pray as follows:

Conjuration of the Seven

In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee and drive thee hence, Chavajoth!

In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee, and drive thee hence, Bael!

In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel!

By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andrameleck!

The Major Mysteries: Ceremonial Procedures of High Magic

Ceremonial Procedures of High Magic

Before any ceremony of high magic, the four elements of nature must be exorcised.

Exorcism of the Air

Holding in the hand the feather of a bird (preferably of an eagle), we blow towards each of the four cardinal points while tracing the sign of the cross in the air with the feather. Thus, facing the east, we recite the Prayer of the Sylphs, as follows:

Spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas, et inspiravit in faciem hominis spiraculum vitae. Sit Michael dux meus, et Sabtabiel servus meus, in luce et per lucem.

Fiat verbum halitus meus; et imperabo Spiritibus, aeris hujus, et refrenabo equos solis voluntate cordis mei, et cogitatione mentis meae et nutu oculi dextri.

The Major Mysteries: Invocations


When in accordance with the law of karma we want to resolve any personal problem, the four exorcisms of fire, air, water, and earth must be recited in front of our altar. Thereafter, we must invoke the great master of karma, Anubis, and his forty-two judges of the law, in the following manner:

In the name of Christ, in the name of Christ, in the name of Christ, we invoke you Anubis, Anubis, Anubis. Amen.

Then, facing the altar, we kneel before the altar where we will mentally converse with Anubis and ask for whatever we deem necessary.

The Major Mysteries: Sexual Transmutation for Singles

Sexual Transmutation for Singles

Pranayama is a system of sexual transmutation for bachelors and bachelorettes. We already know that the two ganglionic cords, entwined along the spinal medulla in the form of an eight, ascend from the male’s testicles and from the woman’s ovaries towards the brain. These two ganglionic cords are the Two Witnesses mentioned in the book of Revelation (Apocalypse); likewise, “these are also the two olive branches… and the two anointed ones, that stand by the LORD of the whole earth,” mentioned in Zachariah 4:12, 14. These are two hollow nerves, two fine canals through which the sexual energies ascend to the brain.

The Major Mysteries: Esoteric Vocalization for Singles

Esoteric Vocalization for Singles

The vowel “I” [pronounced ee as in “tree”] awakens the frontal chakra and makes us clairvoyant.

The vowel “E” [pronounced eh as in “red”] awakens the thyroid chakra and makes us clairaudient.

The vowel “O” [pronounced oo as in “no”] awakens the heart chakra and makes us intuitive.

The vowel “U” [pronounced uu as in “you”] awakens the solar plexus and makes us telepathic.